Importing a collection to Worlds

Foundation now supports importing Hightlight’s generative series for code-based generative art.

At this time, the series must be imported to a world and is therefore only supported for creators who are allowlisted in a world or own a world.

If you haven't created a collection yet, create a generative series or check out this section for guidance.

To import your generative series to Foundation Worlds, it must meet these guidelines:

  • Limited generative series with a fixed price or Dutch auction sale type OR open generative series with fixed price sale type

  • Collection has Direct Minting enabled

  • Deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet

  • Sold out generative series can’t be imported

  • Note: recommended preview image resolution aspect ratio is 1200px x 700px

Importing your collection to Worlds

To import a generative collection to Worlds, head here.

Click the Create button, select Highlight, click Import +, and sign to continue.

Copy and paste your generative series contract address from your contract’s manage page on Highlight and click Continue.

Add your drop to a world. You can only import Highlight generative series to a world.

When importing a generative series to a Foundation world, you'll be prompted to update the payout address. This enables commissions to the curator from drop mints. A unique Splits address is used to pay both the artist and curator.

Continue, click Save onchain, and pay gas to confirm the transaction.

Your Highlight generative series is now imported! You can now view your drop on your profile and in the world.

Design your generative series

Once your generative series is imported to Foundation, you can customize the description, logo, and cover image.

Worldbuilders can also add your generative series to a moment or spotlight it on their world’s homepage.

Worldbuilders will also get dashboard notifications and insights like page views and sales volume for the series.

See the FAQs for details on importing generative series to Foundation Worlds.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or send the Foundation team a message.

Last updated