Reusing contracts

This article explains how to manage your NFT contracts and deploy multiple editions contracts for improved gas efficiency and collection management.

Note that reusable contracts can only be used for limited editions and one-of-ones.

Creating a contract on Highlight

Highlight allows you to create and deploy multiple editions contracts quickly and easily. To do so, simply connect your wallet and follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Create a collection" from the token dashboard and select "Edition"

  2. On the next page, you'll be able to specify either a limited edition or one of one.

  3. Under "Contract," you can opt to deploy to a new contract or to an existing contract.

  4. If you are creating a new contract, you'll be prompted to enter a contract name and contract symbol. Note: After you deploy, you cannot change the contract name or contract symbol. To change these items will require you to redeploy your contract.

  5. Finalize collection and mint details

  6. Review and deploy your collection

Reusing contracts for future collections

When creating a new NFT collection, it is possible to reuse an existing contract rather than creating a new one from scratch. To do so, select the contract from the dropdown when creating a limited edition or one of one.

Managing collection contracts

To manage your collection contracts, head over to the "Contracts" tab on the token dashboard. Here you can find includes information such as the contract address, the contract name, and collections within the contract.

Last updated