Airdropping tokens

Note: This airdrop method does not support Generative collections, or Series collections with a random reveal option selected.

With Highlight, you can airdrop tokens to specific wallet addresses by writing directly to the applicable block explorer. Chains supported on Highlight linked below:

Airdropping tokens

For this example, we'll use a collection deployed on Ethereum. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to airdrop tokens:

  1. First, open your collection contract in the appropriate blockchain explorer by finding the "View contract on explorer" link in the bottom right.

  2. On the blockchain explorer page, select the "Contract" tab. To airdrop tokens, we'll be using the "Write as proxy" tab.

  3. Prior to writing to the contract, you will first have to verify that the contract is a proxy. Do so by going to the "Contract" tab and selecting "code". Then select the dropdown arrow for more options, and hit "Is this a proxy?".

    Select verify on the following page to gain write access on the contract.

  4. On this page, select "Contract" tab. Then select โ€œWrite as proxyโ€ and connect to web3 with the address that deployed the contract.

  5. Access the contract's functions: below the "Write as proxy" section, you'll see a list of the contract's functions. Under section #10, "registerMinter", input your wallet address. Sign the transaction and wait for the transaction to complete. Doing so will allow you to make changes to the contract. For series collections, "registerMinter" will be field #12.

  6. Select contract function: Once you are the registered minter, you can airdrop tokens to holders. To airdrop multiple tokens to a single holder, use section 5. To airdrop one token to multiple holders, use section 8. For series collections, these will be fields 6 and 9, respectively.

  7. Input airdrop parameters: set the edition ID to "0" for an open edition or Series collection. For limited editions and one of ones, this will depend if it's the first collection deployed on a contract. The editionID in this case would be 0 for the first contract, 1 for the second contract, and so on. Under recipients, input the wallet addresses in a comma-separated format between square brackets.

  8. Submit the transaction: Once satisfied with the inputs, click on the "Write" button and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Make sure you double-check all information before submitting the transaction! The tokens will be airdropped to the recipient's wallet address once the transaction is confirmed and completed.

  9. Under section #25 "unregisterMinter", input your wallet address. Sign transaction For generative and series collections, "unregisterMinter" will be field #34.

Congratulations, you've successfully airdropped tokens! If you run into any issues, reach out to us at

Last updated