Upload asset specifications
Below are image and video specifications for non-generative collections and .zip file requirements for generative art collections.
Generative collection
Upload a .zip file of your code-based generative project (make sure to zip all the files together, not the folder containing them). The .zip should include:
index.html: This file renders your tokens.
hl-gen.js: This file gives you access to data from the blockchain, helps you generate deterministic randomness in your tokens, and provides functions to store attributes and capture preview images
Any libraries required to render your tokens, like p5.js, three.js, tone.js, etc.
Any other files required to render your tokens, including images, fonts, video files, etc.
Series collection
The .zip file should be 3.5GB or less. It should contain:
A folder named "images". This folder contains any image assets used by your tokens. We currently support .png, .jpeg, .gif, .mp4, .webm, or .webp files for images.
A folder named "animations". This folder contains any animation assets used by your tokens. We currently support .gif, .mp4, and .webm files for animations.
Accepted file types: .png, .jpeg, .gif, .mp4, .wav, .mp3
1:1 aspect ratio, minimum 2000px x 2000px recommended
For animated images, Highlight supports the upload of animated WebP files. At this time, we don't support APNG format.
Last updated