Case Study: How Superchain Chiblings launched a fully custom website on Highlight x Base
The Highlight embed can be used to create virtually any kind of custom website, allowing you to focus on building creative mint experiences for your collectors without getting bogged down with writing custom contracts and repetitive mint and wallet connect code.
The Superchain Chiblings launch by artist Secret Pikachu was a brilliant example of this. The team used the Highlight embed to launch a 20,000 token collection on Base which quickly sold out, while delivering one of the most creative mint experiences in the space.
In the visuals below, note the Highlight embed, with custom fonts and colors, is embedded in the page, followed by a custom reveal experience that shows an animated fishing pole pulling a Chibling out of the icy water. All of this can be done with standard configurations—nothing special was enabled uniquely for this mint.
Learn how this works, and how you can build these kinds of experiences, by reading the detailed guide on Github, written by Superchain Chibling's dev bartosjiri. You can try the experience for yourself with the demo site, which is a version of the original on Base Sepolia testnet.
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