Launch a generative artwork

Launch a classic limited edition generative artwork

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What is it?

The generative art flow on Highlight gives you all kinds of powerful utilities that makes the most difficult aspects of launching generative artworks easy, including things like capturing preview thumbnails and artwork metadata on-the-fly after a collector mints.

How to do it?

  • Write your code-based artwork

  • Use hl-gen.js to capture traits and thumbnails at mint time

  • Go to the Highlight dashboard and select the option to create a generative series

  • Upload your zip file. For more information on our generative flow, check out our Github repository

  • Choose "Limited Series" on the "Size and output" tab and specify the size of your collection. Here, you have the option to use a preselected set of hashes

  • Choose from a variety of sale mechanisms, including Dutch auctions, Ranked auctions, fixed price, or free

  • Set other sales details like launch date and length, specify allowlists, and more

  • Launch your collection

Demo project code

Download the code below to follow along with the demo, or upload to Highlight as a test project. This project is also available to download in the Generative flow.


Last updated