Updating metadata

With Highlight, you can edit the image and metadata of tokens by writing directly to the contract.

Updating image metadata

Depending on the blockchain your token is deployed on, head over to the corresponding address.

Steps below on how to update metadata once you've arrived at the correct contract page:

  1. On the bottom of the page, select the "Contract" tab and select the option for "Write as Proxy".

  2. Select the "Connect to web3" button and connect to the page with the address used to deploy the contract.

  3. Head over to section 9, where there will be 3 fields to update. "editionsAddress" is the contract address "editionId" will be "0" "imageUrl" will be the URL of the updated image

  4. Hit "Write", sign the transaction, and that's it! The metadata will update once the transaction completes.

Updating token metadata

Updating other aspects of token metadata follow similar steps to updating image metadata. The main difference is in step 4 and which section is updated.

Once again, you will need to select the appropriate blockchain your contract runs on:

  1. On the bottom of the page, select the "Contract" tab and select the option for "Write as Proxy".

  2. Select the "Connect to web3" button and connect to the page with the address used to deploy the contract.

  3. Head over to section 10 ("updateName"), where there will be 3 fields to update. "editionsAddress" is the contract address "editionId" will be "0" "name" will be the name for update metadata

  4. Hit "Write", sign the transaction, and that's it! The token metadata will update once the transaction completes.

Last updated