Verification badge

Note: Lack of verification does not restrict use of Highlight, but being verified helps enhance trust and authenticity for others.

Highlight verifies users on a case-by-case basis to protect users. Users who are verified will have a badge next to their name.

How to get verified

To get verified, follow these steps:

  1. Link your Twitter account to your profile page. This will help our team verify your online identity and that your user profile is directly associated with your Twitter account

  2. Then, fill out this form here

We are currently focused on creator verification. If you are a collector, you may still fill the form out. This data will be used later on when we prioritize collector verification.

Our team reviews verification submissions a few times a week. We will reach out via email if your account has been verified.

Verification criteria

To obtain the verification badge, our team looks for the following:

  • History of work: this can either be on Highlight or another platform where you’ve released work

  • Verifiable online identity: we’ll review your other social accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, and Farcaster to gauge when they were created and signs of recent activity.

Losing your verification

If you engage in any activity that violates our Terms of Service, we reserve the right to revoke verification.

Last updated