Selling on marketplace

Note: Marketplace is currently only available for Generative and Series collections. Collections deployed on Arbitrum do not have the marketplace feature.

How do I sell a token on Highlight’s marketplace?

  1. To sell a token you own, you’ll have to create a listing for that token. Start by visiting your profile page.

  2. Navigate to the “Collected” tab and choose the token you want to create a listing for.

  3. This will lead to the token detail page. Select “List for sale.”

  4. Enter your desired price, duration, and creator royalty amount. The option to honor creator royalties is toggled “on” by default. If toggled off, you can set custom creator royalties. Highlight enforces a minimum of 2%.

  5. Select “List token” and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Manage your listings

Listings can be managed on your profile page under the “Listings” tab. Here, you can review offers for listing(s) as well as cancel listings.

To view offers, select the “View all x offers.” From there, review and choose the offer you'd like to accept.

Manage received offers

Token and collection offers can be found on your profile under “Received offers.” The first column specifies if the offer is for a specific token or any within the collection.

You can review and accept offers from this tab. If you are reviewing a collection offer, you’ll have to select the token to sell.

The option to honor creator royalties is toggled “on” by default. If toggled off, you can set custom creator royalties. Highlight has a minimum of 2%. Read more about our thinking around royalties here.

Email notifications

Opt-in to receive email notifications for your Highlight marketplace offers and listings. Just go to "Edit your profile" and enter your email address.

Last updated